Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Penta Ball by TaylorMade - follow-up

Needed to do a little follow-up to my first note about the first 5 layer "superball".. I continue to be told it is the greatest ball ever by at least one guy who absolutely, positively has switched... Today it was hit by a Tour Pro who has 14 pro victories... (for three holes against his ProV1 black).. he will not be switching. He liked the way it putted and that was about it.."too soft"..."who cares?"..."what's the big deal?" about sums up his response... he hit about ten extra putts and chipped it from inside 30 yards and then hit a few green-side chips as well... so he was completely unimpressed.. I seemed to have distance control problems with it today and played it for 9 holes before being a little frustrated and going back to the rx-300 which I will not be switching from... I will likely return the last two sleeves of Pentas... I don't get the love frankly and am done with the Penta test... nothing there to really get my attention... I do like the way it putts but I have more control with the rx  with the irons and woods. It also seemed to me that a few shots I hit today with it ballooned just a bit... Noticed the sidespin off the driver again and was happy to have the experience over with... I remain firmly in the Bridgestone camp...Boomin' the RX with my old buddies Freddy and Lee...

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